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(503) 656-1619

Hannah Grace Family


Family Support & Community Services

About Us

HGF is a local 501(c)(3) non-profit that aims to break generational patterns and support families in their times of need. Cultivating healthy families through a safe community where self-worth is restored, trust is built, mentorship is accessed, stability is shown, and love is fostered. In doing so, children and families facing various forms of trauma, hardships and instabilities are able to be mended.

- Our HGF Family is composed of various members of our community, including those facing financial difficulties, mental health, single family households, abuse survivors, those struggling with self-esteem/worth, foster care/adoption, loss of homes/jobs/family members and more!

- We have 3 visitations rooms at our facility and one large great room. The three rooms consist of a teen room, a youth room and an infant/toddler room.These rooms are used by DHS staff or certified HGF staff for family visitations. This essential service helps with the DHS backlog and provides children with a more home-like setting to facilitate relationships with foster parents, bio-parents, DHS staff, extended family and more.

- We have a free HGF Ascend music program and academic assistance with new gifted instrument/accessories. Building valuable lifelong skills, providing snacks, restoring self esteem and creating a safe. We offer 3 keyboard classes, 3 guitar classes and 1 little tunes class.

- We offer Family Support - getting families back up on their feet and meeting basic needs.

- We provide community outreaches and host support groups